Umana Chiusi Depth Charts

2023-2024 Umana Chiusi Italian Serie A2 Basket Depth Chart

Starters A. Tilghman
12.0p 2.6r 2.6a
Gabe Stefanini
18.6p 4.4r 2.2a
N. Dellosto
4.2p 3.0r 0.8a
Ala Jerkovic
8.2p 4.6r 1.2a
Luca Possamai
8.4p 4.8r 1.2a
Rotation L. Raffaelli
4.2p 1.0r 1.0a
  M. Visintin
12.2p 2.4r 1.4a
  D. Bozzetto
5.4p 2.4r 1.6a
Rotation     V. Gaddefors
6.4p 6.4r 3.2a
Lim PT   A. Chapelli
1.4p 0.2r 0.2a

* Depth Charts are updated daily throughout the season. The stats are based upon the last 5 games played.

2023-2024 Umana Chiusi Leaders

MPG Austin Tilghman 30.7
FG% Luca Possamai .546
3P% Alessandro Zani 1.000
FT% Osku Heinonen 1.000
ORPG Luca Possamai 2.3
DRPG Kahliel Spear 7.5
RPG Kahliel Spear 9.0
APG Austin Tilghman 3.2
BPG Kahliel Spear 1.0
SPG Austin Tilghman 1.7
PPG Austin Tilghman 13.5

2022-2023 Umana Chiusi Italian Serie A2 Basket Depth Chart

Starters Lester Medford
9.6p 4.0r 4.0a
Davide Raucci
6.4p 2.2r 1.6a
R. Bolpin
7.2p 3.8r 3.2a
Daniel Utomi
20.2p 4.2r 1.2a
Luca Possamai
7.2p 3.0r 0.0a
Rotation L. Raffaelli
7.4p 1.8r 1.8a
Matteo Martini
2.5p 1.5r 1.0a
D. Donzelli
0.0p 0.0r 1.0a
Nongo Ikangi
7.4p 5.0r 2.0a
Rotation       D. Bozzetto
4.0p 4.2r 0.8a

2022-2023 Umana Chiusi Leaders

MPG Lester Medford 31.2
FG% Luca Possamai .588
3P% Marco Braccagni .500
FT% Lorenzo Raffaelli .868
ORPG Luca Possamai 2.0
DRPG Dylan Van Eyck 4.7
RPG Dylan Van Eyck 6.0
APG Lester Medford 3.5
BPG Luca Possamai 0.8
SPG Lester Medford 1.8
PPG Lester Medford 16.7

2021-2022 Umana Chiusi Italian Serie A2 Basket Depth Chart

Starters Lester Medford
10.8p 2.4r 4.2a
Bernardo Musso
12.6p 3.8r 1.4a
Luca Pollone
6.0p 4.0r 1.8a
J. Wilson
14.0p 7.2r 1.4a
A. Ancellotti
5.0p 5.0r 3.0a
Rotation L. Raffaelli
8.6p 0.8r 1.0a
M. Criconia
3.4p 2.2r 0.4a
    Luca Possamai
1.6p 2.6r 0.4a
Rotation   L. Biancotto
1.6p 3.0r 0.6a
Lim PT   M. Braccagni
0.0p 0.0r 0.3a
F. Fratto
3.0p 2.5r 0.3a

2021-2022 Umana Chiusi Leaders

MPG Jeremiah Wilson 31.8
FG% Marco Maganza .800
3P% Luca Pollone .405
FT% Bernardo Musso .900
ORPG Jeremiah Wilson 2.4
DRPG Jeremiah Wilson 7.3
RPG Jeremiah Wilson 9.8
APG Lester Medford 4.9
BPG Andrea Ancellotti 1.0
SPG Lester Medford 2.1
PPG Jeremiah Wilson 17.0